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    What is Mastitis?

    I need to start out by saying self diagnosis is not the proper way of being treated. Consult with your doctor if you at all feel like something is wrong. This post is strictly for educational purposes. If you are reading this, you most likely have just been told you have this or you are feeling like crap and want to see the signs and symptoms of this because your doctor warned you about this. If you h I think it’s important to say, this is a common infection and that you are not alone. I also had Mastitis after having my daughter. Mastitis is an infection that can be…

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    Neutral Fall Decor

    GUYS!! Its fall time! oh. my. heart. One thing I love about fall is the traditions and family fun that is about to begin! There is something about getting cozy in your home and it feeling like fall on the inside and on the outside. Here are some of my favorite amazon finds that are affordable and will help make your home get ready for all the festivities! Pumpkins and Frosted Pine Cones Front door mat Garland Floral Decor Cozy Blanket and Throw Pillows Candles! These candles are so much cheaper at TJ max! They are SO good! Wall Decor and Baskets to put the pumpkins in:

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    Baby Boy Halloween Costumes under $20

    With everything going on with COVID, some might be celebrating halloween at home and some might still go out. None the less, it’s still a fun to dress your baby up for their FIRST halloween!! I have found some super cute and CHEAP halloween outfits for under $20 that wont break your bank! Spiderman Despicable Me Minion FireFighter Superman Police Man Woody Baby Jack Jack

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    Baby Girl Halloween Costumes under $20

    With everything going on with COVID, some might be celebrating halloween at home and some might still go out. None the less, it’s still a fun to dress your baby up for their FIRST halloween!! I have found some super cute and CHEAP halloween outfits for under $20 that wont break your bank! Baby Shark Moana Jessie from Toy Story Wonder Women Minnie Mouse Snow White Ariel/ Little Mermaid Cinderella

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    Soothing Techniques

    It so hard to understand in the first couple of week of having your newborn what is actually wrong. A lot of people will give you their opinion on what they think but remember to trust your mama instincts. You know your baby more than anyone and believe in yourself whole-heartily. That being said, most of the time it can be gas pains. You might have heard of the term “Colic”. This means your baby is crying or fussy for 3 hours or more per day. Hang in there. Remember that both you and baby are getting to know each other. After a couple weeks you will get to know…

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    Morning Sickness | 101

    First off, it’s important to say that it is NOT just mornings. It is totally normal for it to be an all day thing or it happen just at night. Why do you have “morning” sickness?   A few things you need to know is why this is happening to you.  I always believed that if I could understand “why”, it’s a little more bearable to deal with.  The reason you are feeling this way, is believe because of the hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).    This hormone is most present in higher amounts in the first trimester and your body is adjusting. So, its normal, but that doesn’t mean…

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    Hospital Bag | What to Pack

    How exciting! You are getting down to the wire and feel like you now need to pack you bags just in case your little peanut(s) decides to make their debut. Some women don’t care to have a lot of things, some care to have a lot. I feel like, this list is somewhere in the middle. It’s the essentials plus some more for comfort. At the bottom of this blog will be my free download checklist! Before I get started I want to give you THE BEST advice that I really don’t see often when people talk about packing the hospital bag. I’m just going to drop my bomb in…

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    Welcome to the blog!

    Yay! This is the first post on my new blog page and i’m so happy you are here with me. I hope to inspire and motivate other mamas out there when you might be a little lost, because trust me, we have all been there! You will find posts from everything pregnancy, to labor and delivery, the crazy journey into motherhood and maybe just things around your home. Im here to give you a virtual shoulder to cry, laugh, and love on, because we all need one a time or too. You are doing great mama! With so much love, This Mama Cass